
Rewilding is the prosess of returning to a more anient way of living, in harmony with the Creator and creation, in connection with the wilderness and the wildlife.  It is evaluating the steps of our semi-nomadic, our hunter-gatherer, our small herding ancestors, and learning from them to see a pathway forward.

Currently, we stand the edge of chaos and collaspes, caused by unrest, plauge and pandemic, climit changes and environmental factors, continued robbing of natural resorces with no thoughts of the locations they are from, and our continued failure at stewardship of all creation, yet there is still hope...

As Goths and Rewilders, we can see the chaos, the death, the destruction, and yet see the beauty in the midst of it.  We can see how to rebuild within the ashes and ruins, and that not all darkness is the end...

Below are articals on Rewilding, from Gothic, as well as Steampunk, Ecopunk, and Solarpunk prepsectives...


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