
Showing posts from June, 2023

Wildsteading: What is a Wildstead?

What is a Wildstead?   The simplest explanation is a Wildstead is a Wilderness Homestead, which uses rewilding techniques to live in balance and harmony with the land. It is an integration of food forests, rewilding gardens, and no-till gardens, using native and naturalized plants to sustain one long term. A wildstead is a dwelling in the wild shadowlands where a rewilder dwells in balance with the wild shadowlands and the seasons around them. Why Wildstead instead of just Homestead? A wildstead works with the land, the seasons, the animals, and the people to create an integrated, balanced dwelling for both rewilders and the creatures native to the area.  It respects the Native inhabitants of the land while seeking as displaced refugees of colonialism, to become as naturalized to the land as possible, without uncalled-for appropriations.  Homesteading has a tainted history, sadly interwoven with Native removal acts and colonialism.   Begun in the 1860s  by Abraham Lincoln, it brought m


  Gothic Foraging, Wildsteading, and Natural Healing is an off-branch of what we do at Shadowlands Outposts, but here we dive deep into the actual growing, tending, gathering, raising, and using of these awesome skills.   Here we will dive into skills, recipes, methods, plants, foraging knowledge, herbal medicines, types of plants in various colors, animals for the wildstead as close to native varieties/closest to wild, natural dying, DIYing with forage, raised, and found items, and so much MORE! Stay tuned for a lot more exciting content coming in the weeks to come! In Umbra Terras, Lady Morria